Sponsor Name: Red Robin Restaurants
Sponsorhip Method: Provided a location for episode filming (appeared to have closed to the public to do so, due to the fact there was no ambient noise in the restaurant) and also advertises heavily during the commerical breaks.
Sponsor Website: http://www.redrobin.com/
Sponsor's Contact Page: http://www.redrobin.com/home/feedback.aspx
Sponsor's Mailing Address and Phone:
To Contact Our Corporate Headquarters For General Inquiries
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
6312 S. Fiddlers Green Cir., #200N
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 303-846-6000
Guest Relations:
Phone: 303-846-5440
Fax: 866-445-1419
Email Contact: relations@redrobin.com